
Ripe Design

Established in January 2003, Ripe Design brings together the services of experienced specialists in key areas of graphic design, print production, online communication and marketing.

Our approach is to engage individual specialists who work successfully both independently and in a team environment to meet individual project aims. This collaborative approach has creative and technical advantages as well as being highly cost effective: Our clients only pay for the specialists they need within each individual project. Each team member has an understanding of important marketing principles. This underlines their work and ensure that the basis for each project decision is a sound one, based on key objectives.

We cover a broad spectrum of design service: from corporate identity, logo development and branding, to newsletters, brochures, presentations, websites, signage and expo stands.

While creativity is infused into every design project, each task is also implemented with close attention to detail, as well as adherence to brief, guidelines and budget.

Melinda Rochford

Melinda is the principal and creative director of Ripe Design.

Graduating from Swinburne School of Design with first class honours in 1994, Melinda has over 30 years experience (both in Australia and the UK) in graphic design, print production and project management.

Working within not only graphic design firms, but also advertising, interior design, architecture and event management, Melinda has a strong focus on the importance of strategic planning and brand consistency.

Melinda’s roles have included: graphic designer, print production manager, project manager, head of studio and client advocate. Roles have varied from full-time to freelance and in-house consultant. This has given Melinda the ability to adapt to a variety of work settings and requirements, and to understand all aspects of the design process – from concept to completion.

Melinda has successfully worked with a variety of clients across the corporate sector, including retail, fashion, food, property, finance, transport, education, health and the resources industry – developing and maintaining open and responsive client communication.

Key experience in identity design and brand development ensure project outcomes are creative, strategic and consistent with the client’s existing corporate identity and brand values.